Once I'm there and a bit more settled, I'm going to start thinking about my travel plans. I have a cousin in Canada, and may ask her if I would be able to stay with her for a bit. The problem is we're very different ages, and I'm not sure she'll welcome some random cousin coming to stay with her. However, you never know.
There are other options as well, one being going to volunteer, which is something I've wanted to do for ages. I wrote about it in an earlier post, actually. That's still very much on the cards, but involves saving up a few grand. Not going to be too hard, though.
I'd like to get some money put away to be comfortable when I get back from travelling, too. Maybe a couple of months city-rent & food while I look for a job.

All I want to do sometimes is just forget about going to Wales, forget about going travelling, and just move into a new flat with Liam and get a kitten. That was our plan once, too. And it sounds absolutely wonderful, it's just not for now. That's a plan for later; a plan for settling down.
It'll be good to get creative again. There seems to be so much more time and space for such things when I'm back home in Wales. There's something inspirational about the atmosphere there. And my Mum will be around to help me with my sewing...
Oh Meg, you are so brave for making such choices! I am a little bit jealous :) I hope your plans go just as you wish. The travelling time sounds exciting...